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Age at last Birthdayf Age to nearest Birthdayf
1-6yrs7 2-44
7-126 5-72
13-185 8-103

1. Calculate the mean and median on both sets of data.

2. Calculate IQR and the standard deviation and interpret your results.

3. If the 11:00 statistics class has a class average of 70, a standard deviation of 2 and
a normal distribution, answer the following questions:

If you score 74 in the 11:00 class, how many score higher than you?

There are 100 people in the 11:00 class. Your roommate scored 70 and you scored 72. How many people scored more than your roommate but less than you?

4. Interpret the standard deviation for these bank balances:

Group A has mean of $40 and s of $2 and normal distribution.

Group B has mean of $40 and s of $2 and smooth unimodal distribution.

Group C has mean of $40 and s of $2 and unknown distribution.

Group D has mean of $40 and s of $30 and normal distribution.
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