Welcome! GeoSoc.org was established in 1994 with the goal of assisting teachers (and thereby students) by providing links, forums, whiteboards for group work, lesson plans, homework help, assessments, and entertaining exercises for in-class work. Through the years different students and teachers have helped develop the site, and consequently it has become a large and therefore somewhat difficult to navigate site. If you have a particular interest, try to use the links in the header above. All the work presented here is free to the public with the stipulation that it be used for educational purposes under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. The resources available within this site are presented in (what we consider) a fun sensible fashion to help maximize the productive time you spend here.
There are Home-Study courses available through GeoSoc. For more information, go to Schools.
Through the years various hobbies (skiing, rafting, travel, etc.) of members of GeoSoc have been added to the site; mainly to assist ourselves in planning trips. The links are in the left frame. Many people have contributed to the Favorites link and we look forward to your additions!